I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson Book Review

This was originally written and posted on August 20, 2016.

There is so much I can say about this book- the review could be its own book. First, I just want to start off by saying that Jandy Nelson is an amazing author. Both of her books have me feel so much and have given new perspectives on many things. The way she writes and describes her stories and characters is breathtaking. Before reading this, I had already read The Sky Is Everywhere, which I am obsessed with and I had good things about this book as well. I had very hopes going in and I was not disappointed one bit.

As I was reading the book I felt so many emotions at once, it was hard to describe. I was frustrated with the characters but I also understood them and I wanted them to realize so many things. I love love love the way the story is told- with alternating perspectives and in different times of their lives. The way the characters’ stories would intertwine without then realizing left me feeling like I was in on a secret that no one else knew about. It made reading the book so much more exciting.

The characters were perfect. Jandy has a way of making the characters in her books seem so real and normal but also like the best people you’d ever met. I want to befriend every single person in this story (I’ll elaborate a little more on this in the spoiler section). Her characters are flawed and they constantly screw up, up what I love the most that their endings aren’t the cliche you’d expect. It may be happy, but not in the way you think.

In the notes I wrote right after finishing the book (just as a reference for my review), I wrote about how this book made me feel. Like I mentioned before it’s hard to explain the mentions this book evoked, but if you want to feel as if you are living in the world of a book and not just reading, you’ll love Jandy Nelson. Her books are so beautifully written it’s hard not to picture every single moment in your head and actually feel like you’re standing there watching it.

(This next section contains spoilers about the book!)

I’m not sure if this could be a spoiler but just to be sure I’m including it here. I LOVE the little inserts that Noah and Jude had. Whenever Noah would visualize a painting or Jude would quote her crazy bible, it made me feel like I was getting to know just the type of person they were. It’s such a fun and creative way to explain a character’s thoughts a little deeper.

I also really enjoyed learning about all the secrets Noah and Jude kept from each other. It was so wonderfully frustrating to read what one of them thought and not be able to scream “No, that’s not what happened/what they think!” The frustrating feeling is what this book so much fun for me and what made me love it even more.

Now, time to talk characters. WHERE DO I START?!? Noah and Brian!!!!! They are so adorable and omg I love them so much I just can’t handle how bubbly they made me feel inside. Every time we were led to doubt if Brain actually liked Noah would make y heart sink and when they finally kissed I felt as if I were a part of the story too. I felt so happy (I might’ve squealed aloud). And how great is Oscar!!! He s the epitome of all things great but also so, so annoying. When Jude discovered the captions he had wrote on the pictures of her I almost collapse in a heap of feelings. When he brought that girl up I was so mad I just anted to stop in so Jude and Oscar could have their moment and it would all be perfect. I can’t not mention how great Noah and Jude are. They’re both such interesting and lovely characters and honestly the kind of people I hope I get to meet one day.

(End of spoilers)

I don’t how great this review is because I could talk about this book for days, but I will say, it is a must read. There are probably a few things I left out, but all you need to know is that it’s wonderful. I loved every part of it and I need more Jandy Nelson books in my life. I really don’t have the words to explain how great this book is, so I guess you’ll have to take my word for it! 🙂

Please leave comments with your thoughts on I’ll Give You The Sun or any book suggestions!! Thank for reading! 🙂

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